Caroline Bender

BA(Hons), Grad Dip Phys, Grad Cert Clin Phys Continence and Women’s Health

APA Titled Physiotherapist

Caroline Bender started “Peninsula Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy” in 2010. She made a tree change and handed over the reins to Kat Walker and Rebecca Bruce in 2023.

Meet our therapists

Rebecca Bruce

BKin, DPT, PG Cert Physio (Pelvic Floor Physio)

APA Member

Kat Walker

BSc(Hons), DPT, GCertPhysio(Pelvic Floor Physio)

APA Member


Usanee (Cee) Heron

BPhty, MClinPhysio Continence and Women’s Health

APA Titled Physiotherapist