
According to statistics from The Continence Foundation of Australia, 4 million Australians suffer from urinary leakage.
Pelvic Organ Prolapse
This is just a term meaning that any of your pelvic organs have prolapsed or “come down”. The organs that can prolapse are the bladder, the bowel, or the uterus.
Just as bladders can have problems holding due to weakness, so too can the bowel.
Pelvic Pain
If you are suffering with chronic pelvic pain in any of the following areas, we can help you to identify areas of weakness…
Sexual Pain
You may have sexual or perineal pain.
According to statistics from The Continence Foundation of Australia, 4 million Australians suffer from urinary leakage.
Prostate Related
This is a very broad term referring to a range of problems around the prostate.
Just as bladders can have problems holding due to weakness, so too can the bowel.
Pelvic Pain
If you are suffering with chronic pelvic pain in any of the following areas, we can help you to identify areas of weakness…
Sexual Pain
You may have sexual or perineal pain.

We are passionate about advancing healthcare for people who are transgender and gender diverse. Kat Walker is an AusPATH member and has a special interest in treating pelvic pain in trans and gender diverse people taking testosterone therapy. She is affiliated with the Trans Health Research team at The University of Melbourne and is committed to improving the health and wellbeing of trans and gender diverse individuals. Kat works at our Frankston location – If you are looking for a gender informed pelvic health physiotherapist, we recommend you get in contact with us. We have the ability to perform ultrasound assessments of the pelvic floor muscles, thus an internal examination is not required if you are uncomfortable.
Common pelvic symptoms (AFAB):
- Persistent menstruation
- Cramping-like pain
- Bladder and bowel dysfunction
- Pain in lower back, lower abdomen, hips or genitals
- Pain or burning sensation during intimacy
- Pain trying to insert things into your front or back passage (ie. toys or menstrual products)
- Inability to have penetrative intercourse
- Difficulty achieving orgasm or pain with orgasm
- Pain after hysterectomy or bottom surgery
Common pelvic symptoms (AMAB):
- Pain or bladder/bowel dysfunction
- Difficulty emptying the bladder or bowel
- Pain with tucking or taping
- Pain in the external genitals, anus or lower abdomen
- Difficulties with arousal or achieving an erection
- Premature ejaculation or delayed ejaculation
- Pain post-orgasm
- Pain after bottom surgery
Pregnancy and post delivery
Pelvic floor rehab
Stress incontinence
Abdominal separation Also known as “DRAM” (Diastasis of Rectus Abdominis Muscle)
This is the issue whereby your main “6 pack muscle” separates.
Mastitis is the term used to describe painful breastfeeding blockages. The breast becomes red, hot, painful and feeding becomes difficult. You might also have fever and feel unwell.
A lot of women will sustain prolapse after the delivery of a baby. A certain degree of prolapse is to be expected with certain deliveries.
Children and adolescents
According to statistics from The Continence Foundation of Australia, 4 million Australians suffer from urinary leakage.
Just as bladders can have problems holding due to weakness, so too can the bowel.
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