Conditions for women pelvic organ prolapse problems

Pelvic organ prolapse is a common pelvic health concern that affects many women. In this section, we will explore pelvic organ prolapse problems in women, including its causes, symptoms, and the role of pelvic floor physiotherapy in managing and improving this condition.
Vaginal prolapse
This is just a term meaning that any of your pelvic organs have prolapsed or “come down”. The organs that can prolapse are the bladder, the bowel, or the uterus. Prolapse is more common after childbirth but can happen due to heavy lifting, persistent chronic cough, being overweight, straining to empty the bowel..
Bladder prolapse (called cystocoele in the past and now called anterior wall prolapse)
The bladder is in front of the vagina. If it prolapses, it will fall from the front pushing the vaginal wall down towards the vaginal entrance. It may push out of the vaginal entrance.
Bowel prolapse (called rectocoele in the past now called posterior wall prolapse)
The bowel sits behind the vagina towards the coccyx (tailbone). It can fall forwards down to the entrance of vagina and out of the vagina eventually.
Uterine prolapse
The uterus sits above the bladder and may fall down into the vagina. The cervix leads the prolapse into the vagina and can sometimes be felt as firm tissue above vaginal entrance.
Pelvic floor exercise is needed to prevent prolapse in the first place or at least prevent mild prolapse becoming more severe.
Before or after hysterectomy or prolapse repair surgery
You must learn how to exercise pelvic floor after a hysterectomy to prevent prolapse or after prolapse surgery to prevent re-prolapse. Yes, re-prolapse can occur. Your specialist will have discussed this risk. So be prepared and we will teach you what to do.
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