Conditions for women pelvic pain problems

Musculoskeletal pelvic pain
Coccyx pain
Coccyx pain can be very persistent simply because sitting makes it worse and we have to sit in life! Lots of regular Physios will offer help for this problem, but sometimes the problem is just too deep for these physios to get to. We are able to assess and treat the coccyx directly.
Pubic bone
This is the bone at the front of the pelvis. The “bone” is actually a joint at the front between the two halves of the pelvis. The pelvic floor muscles attach to the back of this bone so any problem in this area may need a detailed look at pelvic floor.
Sacro-iliac joints
These are the two joints at the back of the pelvis, under your glute muscles. Without going into too much detail, if this is the area of your persistent pain, we can assess and help guide you. Problems in this area may cause pelvic floor issues and vice versa.
Vaginal pain
We see people with all sorts of strange pains that just feel like they’re in the vagina! Or around, or just to one side…..if its in this region, we can assess and find out what’s going on
Pudendal nerve
The pudendal nerve is a nerve which runs from the sacrum (bone at the very base of your spine with coccyx at the very end) around the sides to the front, middle and back part of the perineum. More directly, this means the bladder, bowel, vagina. It causes nasty pain when sitting but is usually relieved by standing or lying. The pain has very specific characteristics and isn’t easy to manage. But we can help. Please don’t be the person who suffers for years and years thinking no one can help.
Endometriosis is a painful condition that causes periods to be excessively painful. Primary management of this problem is by your Doctor and most likely a Gynaecologist. Physiotherapists do not treat the actual endometriosis itself. But Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy can help you with the secondary problems that may come with this condition. For example, the muscles around your abdomen and low back may become tight and painful and start to be the driver of their own pain. By seeing your Pelvic Physio, you may start to learn what is more muscle and joint pain, and what is more “endo” pain.
Also, the pelvic floor muscles on the inside of your pelvis can become very painful too. They may refer pain out into the pelvis. They may also cause deep pelvic pain which causes sex to be painful. A vicious cycle starts whereby muscles are painful when trying to have sex, so protective muscle spasm sets in. This in itself becomes a driver of more pain. An initial assessment with us may help you to start working through the various areas of pain to try and find strategies to minimise pain between periods.
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